Monday, August 25, 2008

Sometimes I wander...

... whether am I a good mum to my son. Today at around 11am, I put him to his bed for a morning nap and sure enough, he popped up 20 minutes later as usual. I waited for 10 minutes before I went into the room and reassure him that I am indeed still around and put him back to sleep again. But let me tell you, this little boy sure have his own little mind and decided to get up again and started yelling at top of his wee lung. Instead of going back into the room to pick him up from his crib like his daddy usually does (Yep! His daddy sure spoil him!). I decided to try the "cry it out" method once again. (Oh yes, this is not the first time I give it a try. I was just hoping this time it will work like I was told by the pediatrician.)

Oh well... guess what? My wee son was so determined and persistent that he was standing in his crib and crying as loud as he could for about one-and-a-half-hour before he actually passed out. I know, I know, you people might probably think, what kind of mum will do this to her child? I did. Yep! I am not particularly proud of it but I am just like many other mums out there trying to find a way that will work, not to mention hoping to find out a way that will works like MAGIC eventually! Yes, I am indeed needing a miracle formula to put my son to his bed!

He started sleeping through the night in his crib with no problem when we first came back from Scotland. We were thinking to ourself, "Yes! He finally did it!" Oh well...Before we even start celebrating this milestone, our little boy has changed his mind sometime during a couple of weeks ago. He started waking up in the middle of the night (preferably at 3 am!)standing up in his crib crying and refuse to go back to bed. It usually take us more than an hour to put him back to bed with trying different ways to soothe him.

Wee man doesn't like his bed no more...

At first, we thought it was just something that happen occasionally since he is still a baby and he is probably going through the "separation anxiety" phase. But it lasted for more than a few days and it turned into weeks... We were severely sleep-deprived for the past couple weeks. It's not surprising at all that the whole family couldn't functioned properly all this while, and not to mention we all are grumpy, short-tempered and impatience. Let me tell you, it's miserable for all of us! As for me, it's beyond miserable than any words could describe since I am the type of person who needs a good-night-sleep to be able to function during the day.

After suffering from sleep deprivation for weeks, we decided to let him sleep with us in our bed if he wakes up in the middle of the night. Not long ago, I read an article about sleep-problems and it mentioned the "crying out loud" method doesn't work on every baby, it will actually make it worse if you have a strong-minded and persistent child. Oh well... guess what, people? After many times of "crying out loud" with no success, we have no doubt that our little boy is strong-minded and persistent. I am just hoping he will put this personal trait of his into good use in the future. =)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Daddy's birthday

Happy Birthday, daddy!

Yummy cake, it's just a little too big for the three of us. :P

This is a late post about Scott's birthday. It's Scott's first birthday to be celebrated with wee man last Thursday. We had a great day staying at home as a family and mummy baked a lemon layer cake for daddy. Yummy! Euan got to taste a little and even Cookie got a slice of cake! I am sure they both enjoyed it as much as we did. =)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Are we raising a generation of spoiled brats?

No! Euan and mummy says No No!

We all strive to provide the best to our children and hoping they will be well-prepared for their life ahead of them. Most of us probably have a different parenting style compared to our parents. So what do we do differently than our parents? Well... We try to listen to our children as much as possible instead of solely giving instruction without expecting questions. We also tried to be our children's friend instead of parents by trying to put ourself in their show as much as possible. Oh... and of course we tend not to use the word "NO" nowadays, because we worry by hurting our children's feeling it will scar them for life. However, I think by not saying "NO" to our children is not helping them in any ways at all. On the contrary, it's indeed a foolproof formula to raise children with inadequate people skills.

By not setting clear limits, we are raising children who do not know how to deal with emotion turmoil, failure and disappointment in life. As today child-rearing trend, over-protecting parenting also prevent a child from experiencing failure of any kind. As a result, how could we expect our children to become high self-esteem individuals? If we as parents do not help our children learn to deal with "NO" in an early age, how could we expect them to hold down a job or sustain long-term relationship of any kind in their adulthood? I think it's time for us to express our love to our children by saying "NO". It will do them no harm but to let them get a taste of real life. No worries! No worries!

A great article to share. Check it out!

Monday, August 11, 2008

A step closer to independence

Euan is 11 month and a week old today and he took his very first few steps when Scott came home from work. =) It's a step closer to independence for wee man and soon enough I will have to chase him down all over the place and he will be dashing to the door when daddy is home from work. =)

My son is growing up like a weed lately. Sometimes I even wander where is the little bundle of joy that I gave birth to almost a year ago? Without even noticing, he has already grown into a little boy with a big character. One thing's for sure, he is a very determined and persistent little boy and I am just hoping he will not be as hard-headed as me. :(