Let's see how much we've grown:
The second day (9/5/07) Euan was born sleeping on mummy's chest.

Last Sunday night (01/27/08), Euan was cranky and finally fell asleep on mummy's chest.

I am enjoying every minute of being wee man's mum. Well, I will not lie, I've my ups and downs for being a mum, it's not always glorious as we all know. Especially when Euan refuses to go to sleep and wants to be nursed five to six times during the night. Well... that's the dilemma we are facing now.... I believe it's time to put him through his room and no more co-sleeping with mum and dad.... But guess what? I think me and Scott will end up missing him more than anything... I know! I know! He is not going to college yet, and he will only be in his room at the other end of the house! Oh well.... people, you heard that? "THE OTHER END OF THE HOUSE".... that's what daddy has been worrying the most so far. Well... I am sure we will be just fine once he starts to learn how to sleep in his room on his own. I just hope it will not be a long and tedious process! Let's keep our fingers cross! =)
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