One night, Scott told me he had the feeling the baby is going to be a boy and advised me (yep! he ADVISED me), not to build up hope expecting we are having a wee girl. Instead, I should be prepared for a boy. Well, sure enough he was on the right track, we found out we were having a wee boy when we went in for our 20 weeks checkup. I was disappointed when the doctor broke the news as Scott acted like he expected a boy and was indeed happy with the news. It took me quite a while to soak it all in and eventually bought into the idea that we were in fact, was going to have a wee man. After wards, a sense of guilt rush through me for being so ungrateful for the healthy baby boy that we were having. I still feel guilty about it whenever I come to think about it.
My wee man has turn 5 months old and of course, I am the proudest mummy in the world. He is a healthy, active and inquisitive baby boy who loves to smile and giggle a lot. At times, I feel like I can't even keep up with him at all; as he can be very demanding and cranky sometimes. But most of the time he is a happy baby who love to be with his parents all the time. He is especially attach to us during bedtime: seperation anxiety. It is always a challenging task to put him in his bed in the evening because he will fight sleep until he uses up the last strength in his wee body. It seems like he is afraid of missing something interesting if he falls asleep. Take for example, it took us nearly two hours to put him to his bed tonight. We are hoping he will sleep through the night without waking up at two or three o'clock later like he normally does. Well.... lets keep our fingers cross!

1 comment:
HAPPY WEE MAN showing his sexy side and he is feeling so sexy!! woo hooo!!!!
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