What a surprise! Aye. We are going home to Scotland with wee man next week. Scott's work sending him over to Aberdeen to help out with a training and we will be tagging along. =) He was informed last Thursday that he might need to go for the training right before he left for Moscow. Ever since, we have been praying and hoping that he will be chosen to go as we can tag along as well. The final decision wasn't made until yesterday by his boss and we have been busy looking for tickets since we got the green light.
We are thrill about the fact that we get to bring wee man back to Scotland when he is still a wee baby. He went home with me to Malaysia when he was 3-month-old and it was great to introduce him to my family. My parents were over the moon when they saw their grandson! =) I hope we can make a trip back next year to visit my family again in Malaysia. As wee man grows so fast and I am sure my parents will like to see him more often. What a lucky baby! At the age of 8-month-old and he already get to see so much of the world and start accumulating air miles already. Haha! Not bad at all! :P
From now on, we will be quite busy getting ready for the trip as there is only one week left before we leave for Scotland. I better come up with a list for things that we need to pack for wee man. At the mean time, his granny has already started thinking about getting him a baby cot, highchair, diapers that he can use while we are there. What a thoughtful granny, wee man is the most lucky baby in the world having so many people loves him! =)
yeh !!!! haven't really read what you write but as soon as see you are coming to this part of the world ? Any chance you coming to London ?? We have plenty of space for you guys, or even two families !! kekeke... let me know. What date you coming and when you leave ?? If not, see if I can plan plan and go visit you guys ?? I have never been to Scotland so, it will be a good chance to catch up, and also I can visit my friend in Glasgow. let me know. :) excited !!
oh.. however, if time is tight for you guys, no worries. OK? But if you guys are coming to London for some time or even just for the weekend, then let me know and we can plan to pick you guys up and bla bla bla ...
oh.. forget to say this ... WEE MAN IS THE LUCKIEST BABY IN THE WORLD with so many love .. hahahaha..
We probably won't be going to London this time as it's quite tiring flying with the wee man. We will get in on next Saturday June 7. Scott will leave on the 17 and I will stay til July 2. Please do come and visit us! =) I am sure Euan would like to see his "piau yee". :P Please let me know once you've planned your trip.
ok... ok .... I go plan now and let you know. I'm sure you guys will stay with weeman's granny. Where is it about? Do you have an address or something? Then I can look for b&b nearby and plan my trip for Glasgow as well, if possible. Yeh !!!
I will send you an email for the address and phone! =)
let me know asap as the earlier i get ticket, the cheaper it is. :) i'll see if I could cook claypot chicken rice and tah pou to Scotland for you. hehehe...
Yey! Another Malaysian blogger! Will bookmark you site :)
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