Orla Kiely has always been one of my favourite designers at all time. Look at what I found in Target today... I found 2 coffee mugs from Orla Kiely home collection on the clearance shelf. The collection was scheduled to launch in February while I was away for my vacation in Malaysia. It was sold out in most of the Target stores in just a few of weeks. As a result, I was quite disappointed that I missed out the chance for picking up some lovely kitchenware from the collection. But I guess the Almighty must have heard my prayer and therefore, wish granted! =)
A little update on Snowball: He has started deteriorating fast since the past weekend, he looks tired and weary. The cancer is eating him away and all he has left is literally skin and bone. It's just too overwhelming to watch him goes downhill any further. We would have to bring him in to the vet to get him to the rainbow bridge soon... real soon.
ah .... you got the mug finally ??
Bring Snowball to vet quick quick. Not sure if it feels the pain but haiz.... sorry.
by the way, i'm wonder if you will obsess with mug or any homeware of kitchen ware because I am !! hahaha... i'm started to obsess with pots !!! especially those small + deep and those irregular shape. hahhaa....alright, i gonna say this out loud now. :P
Aye, I bought those mugs and I am happy with them. =) Have you seen the new Jamie Oliver collection? There are some pretty cool mugs too. I guess I am not obsess with mugs, but I love all kitchenware overall. :P
I hear you, pots! Do you have some that you can take a pic and post it on your blog?
We will have to bring poor Snowball in later today... :(
i have not seen the new Jamie Oliver range wor. But always can get his discounted range in TK MAXX. Much better value, hehe.
Arya, i baru shop at the pots area and just started to love them because we have been using the set for 3 years liao and it started to worn off. So, manyak excuses to go to the kitchenware area. hahahaha... I jsut started to collect it. but will post the one i bought soon. quite ordinary but dunno why i love it.hahha...si lai already maybe.
just found this - the print you might like base on the mug. hehe....
Great find, Eve! They are cool and I like!! =)
Cool !! :) I always dive into people's blog too ma. 'terfound' la. hahaha... Glad you like.
how cute !!
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