2009 is one of my best year ever! We'd done lots of traveling and therefore Euan got to meets lots of our friends and relatives both in Asia and Europe. With all the traveling we'd done together, he has become a pro in long distance traveling. Crossing the pond to see granny in Scotland? No worries! Or going the other way round crossing the Pacific ocean to see "Po Po" and Gong Gong", no problemo! Of course part of the reason being is because he is fascinated with planes and trains, he loves traveling in them and that makes my life so much easier! My wee son, I hope you will love the train and plane as long as you have to travel with mummy and daddy! Keep it going! =)
The only unfortunate circumstance that we had in 2009 was Scott had to go through a major back surgery to remove a tumour on in his spinal cord. But he has been recovering well and things are looking good so far. He'd started physical therapy to regain back some control on his left foot, a drop foot caused by nerve damage before the tumour was removed. We are positive he will get better soon! No worries!
鬼马family.....Happy new year!
When is yr trip back to M'sia this yr? give me a food & shopping checklist...
Am loving checking out your blog :) Love the name Euan (it's my boyfriend's favorite!). Sounds like a very eventful year!
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