- Getting wild flowers from my wee son when he comes back from his bike ride
- Listening to my wee son telling me how much he loves me. He often says, " Mummy I love you so so much!" =)
- Getting a BIG hug from my wee son when I pick him up from school!
What can I say? I am the luckiest mum in the whole wide world, that's how my wee son makes me feel like, and he definitely brighten up my life. =)
Thank you, Euan and mummy loves you so so much too!
Have a brilliant weekend and I would love to hear about your happiness from you as well! =)
so touched!!
Thanks, SY! So, it's your turn to tell me about your happiness now! =p How's your trip to Mt. KK?
i'm waiting for my turn. Apparently HoaHao is much loyal to his dad, keep calling him baba, than calling me mama !? nggrrrr...but he does want his mum more though. hhehhee ....
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