Sunday, April 12, 2009

I heart Toast

Here are some of my favourite pages from the Spring catalogue of Toast. It's one of my all time favourite stores following by Anthropologie and JCrew. =) Enjoy flipping through the pages as I can never stop looking at it whenever the mailman deliver it to my door front. It's just simply beautiful...


沈伊 said...

ah..... Toast quite nice wor! I heard Anthropologie is opening in London ?? or I might be wrong.

Eunice said...

I love to browse through the catalogs! And somehow I like to see the way they photo-shooting the models. =)

Ash said...

You gotta check it out if they ever open a store in London. I think you will like it too! =)

Yep! Their catalogs are just simply brilliant. You can also order a hard copy from them via their website and it's free of charge.

沈伊 said...

i saw toast website, prices is in ££. so i assume it is from UK ? Anthropologies still a bit high price for me since me no working, i dare not spend leh. :(